When Banksy announced that he would pay for the admission price for the exhibit, Art in the Streets @ the Geffen, MOCA on Mondays, my sis and I gladly took advantage on anything free. I actually was interested in seeing it because having an exhibit about graffiti art is kinda weird. Most of the art is in the streets and a person would just randomly see it as they go about their business. It was an interesting experience because I saw all sorts of people with their expensive cameras clicking away and capturing the graffiti in and outside the museum. The mayhem reminded me of this one part of Banksy's documentary, Exit through the gift shop where he poked fun of art enthusiasts and the art itself. Ever since seeing the documentary, going through the exhibit made me feel as cheesy as those people in the documentary. In retrospect, I actually thought it was a fun event to partake in because the museum made fake alleys and vandalize the walls with graffiti. There was even a skateboard ramp and they showcased spray paint and markers, which I thought was lame because it was clearly promoting wannabes and the majority of the people at the exhibit were youngins' with their Vans and skater boy t-shirts.
"I hate mondays!" is by Banksy and my fave are the tile work from the Invader.

A take on Ck One, which I didn't understand, but I did love this scent in the 90's, and some random painting I like because the man is wearing a beret.

Me, outside the museum.
The drum set looked really cool with these faces spray painted on. I saw some little tikes causing a stir and drumming away. The two ladies are made of paper cut outs and it filled the entire room. The pic doesn't capture the grandness of these cut outs.

This one was hilarious because it's a mannequin moving around spray painting the wall. There were lots of interactive pieces such as moving hands behind bushes.

Anywhoo, if your free and want to see graffiti nicely displayed in a museum, catch Art in the Streets since the admission is free on Mondays. It's a type of exhibit one shouldn't pay, just like what Banksy had stated where graffiti art is all around us, free to the public.